E S H Counselling Inc
ESH Counselling Inc.
Mental Health Therapists
St. Johns NL
Elizabeth Sheppard MSW, RSW is a registered clinical social worker in St. John's NL. With 32 years of experience in mental health, physical rehabilitation and medical social work, Elizabeth has the training and experience to help clients meet their therapeutic needs.
While all mental health issues are addressed in this practice, Elizabeth specializes in treating depression and anxiety, complicated grief, trauma, and clinical anger.
Elizabeth is specialized in treating trauma and PTSD and is a registered and certified EMDR therapy practitioner.
Office visits, Zoom and telephone counselling sessions are offered for your convenience. Staff training events are also available.
She can direct bill Blue Cross and Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB). Sessions are available with Elizabeth at a rate of $180 per 50 minutes.
Receipts are available for insurance and taxation purposes.
ESH Counselling Inc is excited to welcome Spencer Hewitt BSW, RSW this year as a clinical therapist this year, working exclusively through the Zoom virtual platform. Spencer brings to the practice a passion for working with Young Adults facing life stage challenges, experience in managing ADHD and Anxiety and skill in supporting New Canadians adjusting to life in Canada.
Zoom sessions are available with Spencer at a rate of $100 per 50 minutes.
Isn't it time to make your mental health needs a priority? Email ESH Counselling Inc to discuss your needs and make an appointment.